How to Personalize Your Terminal: Show It Some Love❤

How to Personalize Your Terminal: Show It Some Love❤

Easy steps to personalize your terminal's appearance.

Love it or hate it, the terminal is an indispensable tool for software developers, DevOps engineers, and security engineers. Whether you're installing updates, managing configurations, setting up tools, or using Vim (if you're one of those), the terminal plays a crucial role. Today, I will introduce you to several tools that can make the terminal less daunting and more enjoyable by customizing it to fit your personal preferences.

What tools I will be showing today:

Here are the tools I will be showcasing today:

  • Gogh: A collection of terminal themes to personalize your terminal's appearance.

  • Fetch Master 6000: A fetching tool for the Linux terminal that displays system information in a visually appealing way.

  • Oh My Bash: A framework for managing and customizing shell prompt themes to enhance your terminal experience.

Disclaimer: The tools listed here are designed to work with Linux terminals or terminals running Linux through WSL on Windows.

Spice Up Your Terminal with a Splash of Color 🎨✨:

Let's face it, the "normal" terminal colors are boring and make the terminal seem intimidating, which might discourage you from using it. Why not change it up a bit? That's where (Gogh) comes in—a collection of great terminal themes to make your terminal look more refreshing.

How do you use it ?:

  1. First head to Gogh’s website

  2. Browse through the vast collection of themes there and memorize the name of your preferred theme.
    (In this example we are going to apply the theme “Astrodark”)

  3. Copy the code in the start of the page for Linux or the code for Mac if you are using Mac

  4. Paste the Code in your terminal and press “Enter” then all the theme names will appear then write the number corresponding to your chosen theme (in our case the number is 11 for Astrodark) and press “Enter”

  5. Voila the chosen theme is applied 🎉

Give Your Terminal a Cool Welcome ✨👨‍💻:

Let’s be honest—staring at a plain terminal can get dull, and it doesn’t exactly scream “exciting” when you open your terminal. That’s where Fetch Master 6000 comes in! This fetching tool brings life to your Linux terminal, giving it a fresh vibe while showing off all the cool details about your system.

How do you use it ?:

  1. Head to the project’s GitHub page

  2. Copy the code for the install script and paste it in your terminal

  3. To ensure that Fetch Master 6000 is successfully installed type fm6000 in your terminal and this should be the output.

  4. To make Fetch Master 6000 run each time you open your terminal type sudo nano ~/.bashrc and type fm6000 in the last line then press ctrl+o to save and ctrl+x to exit.

  5. close your terminal and open it again and you will find Fetch Master 6000 running automatically 🎉.

Give Your Terminal Prompt a Glow-Up ✨💻:

You might have noticed that my terminal prompt (the bit of text that is already there before you type any command) is different from the default and i am going to show you how you can do the same using a tool called “Oh My Bash“.

How do you use it ?:

  1. got to the “Oh My Bash“ website and copy the command shown and paste it in your terminal.

  2. “Oh My Bash“ will install and the prompt will look like this

  3. To change the theme look at the themes section in the website and copy the name of the theme you want to apply let’s apply (half-life).

  4. type in your terminal sudo nano ~/.bashrc and edit the OSH_theme in the beginning of the file to half-life then save and exit.

  5. Now restart the terminal and the theme should be applied🎉.

Look at What You’ve Achieved! 🎉🚀:

Wow, look at how much nicer and more appealing your terminal looks now! 🎉 I encourage you to keep exploring and discover more tools to customize your terminal to match your unique style. I hope you enjoyed reading my very first full blog post! ✨ Don’t forget—I’ll be posting weekly, so make sure to tune in next week for another exciting blog. Until then, bye! 👋💻

And don’t forget to show me the awesome terminal styles you’ve come up with! Feel free to tag me on LinkedIn or use the hashtag (#BASHingMyHead) in your post. Can’t wait to see your creations! 😎

Cover Photo by Growtika on Unsplash